We departed Beaufort, SC early—about 0700—as we knew we had
several shallow areas to traverse and were timing the rising tide. We passed Brickyard Point into the Coosaw
River about 0800, and by about 0930 entered the first area predicted to be
difficult. It was the Ashepoo-Coosaw
Cutoff, and though we had no problems at about ½ tide, it would have been too
shallow with any lower tide. We cleared
Watts Cut about 1100, passed through the other shallow areas north of there,
and entered the North Edisto River about 1145.
We moved along well, but the plethora of small motorboats, many
operating wildly and recklessly, was amazing all the way to Charleston. We turned into Elliott Cut just south of
Charleston at 1420, and by 1440 we were entering the Ashley River. Since we had thoroughly toured Charleston
about 3 years ago when I attended a meeting there, we had decided to forego
sightseeing it again. With that
decision, we opted to get north of all of the Charleston Harbor entrance
traffic today, and thereby have a fresh start in the morning. Charleston marinas on both the Ashley and the
Cooper Rivers have ferocious tidal currents.
By 1515 we had entered the ICW north of Charleston Harbor, but terrific
currents and many shallow spots were a challenge for the first few miles. We found a delightful anchorage in Dewees Creek,
and dropped anchor there about 1630. A
FULL day!
Charleston, SC Marina |
Charleston Historic Area |
Charleston Historic Area |
Charleston, SC |
One delightful surprise of the day was the cool front that passed through Beaufort during the night. Wind was from the north, drier, and definitely milder!
Fort Sumpter, SC |
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