After a week at Croton on Hudson, including a side trip to Essex, CT to attend a John Deere diesel engine course and several area sightseeing jaunts, it is time to move north. We departed our marina berth, and moved up the Hudson, passing West Point, Hyde Park, Culinary Institute of America where we had dine a few days earlier, and numerous villages and town. Along the way, we were accompanied by the ubiquitous trains...passenger trains along the east side of the river, and freight trains along the west side. At West Point we could see not only the impressive United States Military Academy, but also the narrow, twisting point of the river where colonials stretched a massive chain across the river to impede the progress of British ships. We passed through the Appalachian Mountains; Catskill, the fictional home of Rip Van Winkle; and under a bridge named for this sleeping legend. All sorts of interesting structures are along the river, including an island with a (now partially destroyed) medieval castle, numerous interesting lighthouses, and massive bridges spanning the waterway. We passed a group of swimmers and their accompanying boats who were engaged in an Eight-Bridge Swim, swimming under all eight of the major Hudson River bridges (we have steamed under them all--does that count?) After anchoring overnight near Athens, NY, where a fawn came down to the water's edge adjacent to our boat and smoky miasmas drifted over the surface of the water, we resumed a northward journey through small hamlets and villages. Visible high upon a hill overlooking the river was Olana, the massive home of Frederick Church, one of the best-known artists of early America. At times this last week I have wondered if I should feel ill...I've been to Norwalk, Old Lyme, and Coxsackie! We arrived in Albany and docked; it is a noisy area quite different from our tranquil anchorage. The radar arch and antennas will be lowered here in preparation for the next leg of our journey into the New York Canal System up to Lake Champlain. A great highlight of the Albany stop was a visit with fellow K-K 48 owner Paul, who took us and our traveling companion boat crew to his home in nearby Malden Bridge for dinner. It was a delightful evening renewing friendships, and a hospitality we will not forget!
Appalachian Mountains Along the Hudson River |
Trains Run Alongside the River |
US Military Academy, West Point |
US Military Academy, West Point |
US Military Academy, West Point |
Medieval Castle, Hudson River |
Culinary Institute of America |
Hudson River Lighthouse |
Hudson River Lighthouse |
Olana |
Rip Van Winkle Bridge |
Hudson River Lighthouse |
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